When we think of scientists we often picture people in laboratories, but science is happening all around us every single day! Have you ever made dinner using random things you find in the cupboard, or purchased a new gadget and just played until you discovered how it worked? That’s science!

Science is as simple as asking questions and figuring out how things work.

Children from Serbian school at the Church Holy Trinity in Perth had great pleasure to have Scitech team to present another exciting science show and conduct workshop at our Church Hall.

The “Element of Surprise” Science show used tools that allow us to extend our senses, explore chemistry and reveal unseen properties. Children used everyday materials to investigate pH i.e. a red cabbage to compare the acidity of different liquids.

For parents, teachers and all those that watched the show and workshop, this was very rewarding experience to see once again how smart and motivated children were and how innovative in their thinking and approach to experiments.

We will be looking forward for more events like this in future!