08 Sep '14 Mitropolitanate Day celebrated in Canberra
Mitropolitanate Day celebrated in Canberra
Mitropolitanate Day celebrated in Canberra
This phase of the reconstruction of Holy Trinity Church in Perth is being finalized with the purchase and installation of a new fence and arranging the surfaces within churchyard, as well as the floor within the church. These three activities will be performed over next few weeks and will create conditions to move to a [ ]
The disaster that has affected the territory of Serbia and of the countries in the region, incites us all to foster Christian compassion and brotherly, selfless aid. We call upon all the people who are able and willing to help, to make their financial donations. The aid will be collected as long as needed and [ ]
The disaster that has affected the territory of Serbia and of the countries in the region, incites us all to foster Christian compassion and brotherly, selfless aid. We call upon all the people who are able and willing to help, to make their financial donations. The aid will be collected as long as needed and [ ]
In Vranjas, near Mandjelos on the southern slope of Fruska gora, a sacred monastery was built, whose church is dedicated to St. Basil of Ostrog and recently consecrated by the Bishop of Srem. The church is located in the forest of century-old linden trees and built of wood – white pine and Norwegian fir. After [ ]
Irinej, Bishop of the Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand of the Serbian Orthodox Church: Paschal encyclical