Around 47% of Australia’s population was born overseas or has at least one parent born overseas. Western Australia is Australia’s most culturally diverse state. These new settlers have contributed greatly to Australian society, often in the face of major difficulties. The combined goodwill of all has been crucial in the evolution of this harmonious society.
The Australian multiculturalism is a term which recognizes and celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity. It accepts and respects the right of all Australians to express and share their individual cultural heritage. It is built on core societal values of mutual respect, tolerance and harmony, the rule of law and Australian democratic principles and institutions.
An estimated 150,000 Serbs live in Australia nowadays, about 14,500 of them in Western Australia (most of them in Perth).
The Serbian community’s focal point is the Serbian Orthodox Church. His Holiness Orthodox Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade and Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch Iriney, is the spiritual leader of the Serbian people and Serbian Orthodox Church.
We invite all parishioners and friends to join one of our actions and make their financial contribution in accordance with their capabilities. Also we are very grateful for all donations for ongoing maintenance for the church and its facilities.
This Church will manage and protect the personal information we hold about individuals and donors.
Regular services
Regular services are held every Sunday from 10:00am at the Church Holy Trinity, 38 Marlborough Street, Perth WA 6000.