Karageorge cup

Serbian Society “Kolo” from Perth is organizing a fundraising function with the dinner dance at 7:30pm on Saturday 25 August 2012. The function will take place at the Hamersley Community Centre, Belvedere Road, Hamersley WA 6022.

All proceedings from the event will go to support the 2012 Karageorge Cup that will be held from 28-30 September 2012 in Perth. The Cup will be organized by the Serbian Sports & Cultural Club “Serbia” of W.A. Inc. and Dianella White Eagles Football Club.

The Karadjordje Cup is a soccer tournament held each year with a different Australian city as the host. The Tournament is organized by the local Serbian Australian community. The competing clubs have their roots within the Serbian Community, but the players that participate reflect the multicultural society that is Australia.

Other folk dancing groups from Perth will take part in the program with “Kolo” and “Skadarlija” band entertaining the guests. Plenty of good food, music and dance guarantee that that you will have another enjoyable evening with “Kolo”.

The tickets cost $35 inclusive of dinner.

We recommend that you purchase the tickets in advance – contact 0415 454 631.