The Library “Vuk Karadzic” Aleksinac, OS “Vozd Karadjordje” Aleksinac, Ministry of Education and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia in cooperation with the Republic Department for Education of Republic of Srpska, have announced the recipients of awards for the International literature contest  “Citalica 2018”. This year’s topic was the Two centuries of the Serbian Dictionary by Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic.  It is interesting to note that the children that are learning Serbian language in one of the diaspora schools also had the opportunity to participate in the contest.

Six applications were submitted by students from our school at the Holy Trinity Church, and the Teodora Vučković achieved a great success by winning the third place in this competition!  Teodora was inspired by the “St Sava” poem by Momčilo Tešić, which she illustrated graphically and in the text in Cyrillic script.

It is to be noted that students of the Serbian language school from Holy Trinity Church were the first children from Australia to participate in this kind of International Competition organized from Serbia.