ABS Census

The Census of Population and Housing aims to accurately count the number of people in Australia, their key characteristics, and the dwellings in which they live. It is conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) once every five years. During the Census every household and person in the country is required to answer specific questions on the paper form or through eCensus online.

The 16th Census of Population and Housing will take place on the night of 9 August 2011. The 2011 Census also marks a significant milestone – 100 years of national Census taking in Australia.

Census Collectors will start delivering the materials you’ll need from 29 July 2011 so you can participate in the Census.

Why is it important?

The Census underpins Australia’s democracy and is crucial to communities, private institutions and all levels of government when planning infrastructure, community services and facilities where you live. For example Census information helps to determine where schools, hospitals, and roads are needed.

Federal funding arrangements to the states and territories, including allocation of GST revenue, are also based on Census information.

Important for Australian Serbs!

In particular pay attention to the following questions:

Question No. 12. In which country was the person born? Write the country where you were born i.e. Serbia, Australia, other countries i.e. Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia…

Question No. 16. Does the person speak a language other than English at home? Write SERBIAN.

Question No. 18. What is the persons ancestry? Write SERBIAN.

Question No. 19. What is the person’s religion? Wite SERBIAN ORTHODOX if you are of Christian Orthodox faith; or write the name of other religion that you may belong.

You may fill your Census form on-line as well as long as you have your:

  • 1) Census Form Number (from Census-package that will be delievered to your home)
  • 2) unique eCensus number (shown in the eCensus envelope)

More details are available on www.abs.gov.au/Census.

How is the count conducted?

You can complete your Census form online through the eCensus. The eCensus is fast, secure and easy, with online help available, and is protected by the strongest encryption technologies, making it safe and keeping your information confidential. If you complete the eCensus for your household, the Collector will not need to return to your dwelling.

You can also complete a paper Census form. After Census night, Collectors will return to collect the completed form, so have it ready for collection on the 10th August 2011.

Collectors will also ensure that people staying in hospitals, hotels and motels, camping or travelling around Australia on Census night are counted.

Is the Census compulsory?

Yes, the Census is compulsory. The Census is authorised by the Census and Statistics Act 1905.