The A$3,000 total amount in donations has already been delivered to The Association of Citizens and Parents of Children and Youth with Special Needs in Krusevac, Serbia. The donations aim to help the project of establishing a greenhouse which would produce medicinal herbs and food spicing plants, and create jobs where these youths can get permanent employment and income.

Following the Holy liturgy in Perth last week, those present – including His Grace bishop Iriney, Serbian clergy from Perth and members of all three Serbian parishes in Perth, jointly made a donation of A$1,500 to this project to assist in improving the working and living conditions of handicapped children and youth in Krusevac.

Another A$1,500 was provided directly by individual donors, proving that there is never a lack of generosity in Perth’s community. The Fermanis family in particular deserves special thanks for their significant contribution.

A copy of the bank transfer receipt ($3,000) is attached.